ABC Zembond Mortar
and Plaster Aid

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)



  • Crack Resistant
  • Abrasion Resistant
  • Extra Strong
  • Renovations
  • Eliminates Chipping
  • High Water Retention
SKU: ABC-ZEMBOND-MAPA Category: Tags: , , , , ,

ZEMBOND Mortar & Plaster Aid is a high quality acrylic based additive formulated to improve the strength & workability of ordinary mortar as admixture, bonding slurry and scratch coat. It increases strength, controls temperature cracks, reduces dust build up & bonds fresh mortar to old concrete & smooth raw concrete (e.g. beams & columns).

1. ZEMBOND Additive to Regular Mortar

  • Increases bonding of mortar to masonry wall or raw concrete
  • Improves bonding strength between new & old plaster or concrete
  • Prevents shrinkage cracking
  • Reduces brittleness of concrete
  • Improves water resistance
  • Improves compressive & tensile strength
  • Increases abrasion resistance
  • Eliminates concrete surface roughening
  • Controls mortar’s water loss for proper curing
  • Controls temperature cracks on concrete topping
  • Reduces dust build-up on concrete topping
  • Controls mortar’s water loss for proper curing

2. ZEMBOND Primer used as Bonding Slurry

  • Bonds fresh mortar to old concrete
  • Increases bonding of mortar to masonry wall or raw concrete
  • Eliminates concrete surface roughening

3. ZEMBOND Primer used as Scratch Coat over Waterproofing

  • Aids skimcoat (Zemcoat Thin Plastering) or regular plaster to securely bond with cementitious waterproofing (Aquashield Plus)



  • ASTM C1059 (USA) American Society for Testing and Materials



The surface must be structurally stable and level. Concrete surface must be clean and free from contaminants such as dirt, dust, loose material, oils and chemicals. If needed, acid etch the surface to be plastered (e.g. marble or granolithic floors). For wall applications, remove flaking paint from the substrate using paint remover, or by scraping it off the wall. Slightly dampen concrete surface before application.


Shake well before use.

1. ZEMBOND as Mortar Admixture Mix Zembond with clean water. Use this as gauging water for the cement and sand mixture. Note: Water consumption is dependent on mortar use, moisture content of sand and weather conditions.

2. ZEMBOND Primer as Bonding Slurry Mix Zembond with portland cement until you achieve a creamy consistency. Apply the slurry immediately using a stiff brush before the mixture hardens. Note: Apply mortar mixture only when slurry is still tacky.

3. ZEMBOND Primer as Scratch Coat e.g. over cementitious waterproofing (Aquashield Plus) Apply pure Zembond using a stiff bristle brush (Tampico) over the waterproofed surface. Tip: Mark areas where Zembond has been applied since the product becomes clear as it cures.


1L & 4L plastic container

Store in a cool dry place. Zembond Mortar & Plaster Aid will remain usable one year from date of manufacture.

1 review for ABC Zembond Mortar
and Plaster Aid

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  1. Great value for money. It undercuts the price of similar items available in the market. Highly recommended and will buy again.

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